Military Warriors Support Foundation

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Bank of America Celebrates 2,000 Military Home Donations

2000thBOA-insta.jpgWe partner with organizations that have a heart and desire to serve our nation’s veterans. Today is a special day -- for this veteran and Bank of America – as this makes Bank of America’s 2,000th home donated through military home donations. Today, Seth Musikant  received a life-changing gift when he was presented with the keys to a move-in ready, mortgage-free home in Rochester, NY. The home, donated by Bank of America to the Military Warriors Support Foundation (MWSF), was given to Seth through the Homes4WoundedHeroes program. Former US Army Sergeant Seth Musikant served as a Combat Medic (68W) and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal with Valor, for which his heroic actions during combat kept with the finest traditions of military heroism. Additionally, he was awarded an Army Commendation Medal, Combat Medical Badge, Combat Action Badge and was the recipient of a Purple Heart for wounds he received as a result of hostile enemy action. For more information on how Bank of America is dedicated to helping our veterans, please visit: For more information on Military Warrior Support Foundation’s Homes4WoundedHeroes program, or if you know of someone who could benefit from receiving a gift of a mortgage-free home, refer them to our website so they can apply today: