Army Ranger Awarded Mortgage-Free Home!

kt_dolan_wf_mwsfJeremy Dolan and his wife had their lives changed in a special way when they were presented with the keys to their move-in ready, mortgage-free home in North Haverhill, NH. The home, donated by Wells Fargo to Military Warriors Support Foundation (MWSF), was given to Jeremy Dolan through the Homes4WoundedHeroes program. Retired U.S. Army Specialist Jeremy Dolan served as an Infantryman (11B) in 2nd Battalion of The 75th Ranger Regiment. It was while on deployment with 2/75 Rangers he was injured during an airborne jump, effectively ending his military career. He was awarded numerous citations and awards for his honorable military service. For more information on how Wells Fargo is dedicated to helping our veterans, please visit: For more information on MWSF’s Homes4WoundedHeroes program, or if you know of someone who could benefit from receiving a gift of a mortgage-free home, refer them to our website so they can apply today:


T-Shirt Fundraiser - Wars Change, Heroes Don't


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