Raycom Media Camellia Bowl - Home Presentation

Stand with us as we honor a United States military hero for his honorable service to our country, by awarding him a mortgage-free home. United States Marine Corps LCpl. Andrew Sokol served in the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines in Afghanistan. LCpl. Sokol served in the Corps from August 2011 through December 2013. He was the recipient of a Purple Heart for wounds sustained during combat operations. LCpl. Sokol was also award the Navy Achievement Medal with #Valor and a Combat Action Ribbon. LCpl. Sokol’s home was donated by Bank of America to the Military Warriors Support Foundation on behalf of Homes4WoundedHeroes.-- Military Warriors Support Foundation –www.militarywarriors.orgBank of America - http://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/partnering-locally/military-housing.html#fbid=sQc1Tlsg48X


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