Military Warriors Support Foundation

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What Are You Thankful For?

If you are wondering what to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, you just don't know where to look. 

...for the Heroes who gave their life on the battlefield and for the Gold Star families who lost their Hero; for our Heroes who have seen hell on earth defending our freedoms; for the Heroes who returned safely home to their families; to the Armed Forces members of our nation who take upon themselves an oath to defend the United States; to the Heroes who were physically wounded on the field of battle and to the those who carry with them wounds that are invisible and will never be seen.

 As a nation, we have many things to be thankful for, and as a Foundation we are thankful for over 700 Heroes and their families celebrating Thanksgiving in their OWN homes this year. We are thankful for all of our Heroes and there are no words that can fully express how truly indebted we are to these men and women. They haven't just sacrificed on the field of battle, they sacrificed time away from their families, they sacrificed seeing their kids grow up. The move-in ready, mortgage-free homes which we are privileged to award, is our gift to them to help make up for lost time with their families and removing the worry of a mortgage payment is the best gift we can present our Heroes. On this Thanksgiving -Military Warriors Support Foundation reminds you to remember our Heroes. Include them in your prayers. But don't stop there, don't be thankful just today, be thankful to them for as long as you live. Respectfully,Military Warriors Support Foundation